Thursday, February 19, 2009

Because I'm sick of seeing my last post. Yes, I'm writing because one who has their own blog should have written something new by now right?...even if they think there's nothing sensational to write about. We're all back on the healthy train again...everyone but me recently had a cold...Daniel completely lost his voice for a bit which of course makes it hard to lecture to 120 students 3 days a week...but he managed. He was born to teach...entertain...and he gets to do both. Moving I went and saw Confessions of a shopaholic with a friend for a girl's night out. Here's my review. It was a little over the top...everything a bit too unbelievable...but a cute story that Erin(being me) could relate to. I admit it and pretty much everyone who knows me must know ...or be somewhat aware of the fact that I'm a shopaholic. All of the feelings she describes about shopping and the highs she gets from buying something cute and new that of course never lasts and must be sought after time and time again....I can relate. Now, do I buy kind of stuff? But, I do like to shop nonetheless and can be snobby about it...just can't afford to be that snobby. So, in the end...each time she's out shopping she has to say to herself "Do I need this?".....and use the real definition of need instead of the one shoppers in the movie when she says...."I need these cashmere gloves because it's winter and I have hands" I plan on following her advice.......and as for the movie....I'd say shopaholics will enjoy it more than others....who might find it incredibly hard to relate to such irrational behavior. Although more and more these days I think most Americans are shopaholics in some form or another...may not all being buying clothes but we all seem to love consuming. So much of our time is spent on buying things...or coming up with new things that we have to have.....the neverending list. I have one of those...always on the hunt for something...never quite satisfied. Anyway sometimes I think it's sad that so much of my life is wrapped around consuming....shouldn't I be doing more important and fulfilling things?....yes I have a family and I watch my children and help them learn...and I believe that's a great way to spend my time....but shouldn't I be helping others instead of looking for the new trendy shoes I saw in my People Style Watch(a new magazine I subscribe to)? I could talk about this forever so I'll end here. When I die I don't want to regret how much time and money I spent on consuming and how little I spent on making someone else's life better.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Another one bites the dust. It's true. Our laptop was recently infected by a crazy virus that left it totally fact we had to order a special cord to get the needed files off of the hard drive. So my message today is simple.....keep your anti-virus/spyware stuff up to date on your the 30..40...50...bucks a year. It's worth it. And...if you refuse to do that....back up all of your important files( of your children). We'll be fine but I wish someone had told me a week ago this very here I am telling you. Don't feel too sorry for me...I get a new computer out of it. Andrew or Ash had stepped on our old one...and the monitor part was about to become detached from the a blessing in disguise?....I wouldn't go that far. Protect your computers...from viruses....children using them as stepstools...etc. :)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Blogs are supposed to be little highlights from your life right? seems like something is wrong if the highlights are all about the throwup flu going round and round your family. But....thanks to anti-bacterial hand soap and prayers we're all flu free for thanks. Also, Ashley's doing great potty-training....piece of cake compared to how Andrew did......she still potties on the floor occasionally but it's more out of laziness than anything...anyway less diapers to change....YAY! Holly on the other hand has become quite the night owl. As I type in fact....Daniel is in bed about to pass out from exhaustion....and I'd be right there with him if our toddler weren't in the kitchen right now emptying our cabinets of all the food within reach.....oh wait no.....she wandered into her older siblings room and is playing with toys.....her favorite is to climb the bunkbed ladder...usually without success so we have to hide it. She does however give hugs upon request which is enough to keep me going....makes it all worth while.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Round 3....fight. I hear those words in my head from a nintendo boxing I think about the fact that my son Andrew has the throw up flu for the 3rd time in 6 weeks......which as you all know means so will the rest of the family. Pray for us.