Monday, May 25, 2009
Am I crazy?
Saturday, May 23, 2009
An obvious mistake
Me: "Who does?"
Ashley: "You do."
Me: "That's not a nice thing to say...We don't say that."
Ashley: "Ohhh....uhhh you have a BIG brain."
obviously what she meant to say....a clear mistake on her part. That doesn't make me even more insecure about the amount of weight I've put on in this pregnancy. It does build my confidence about how big my brain is and how smart I am. :)
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The cutest NO you'll ever hear
I think Holly's first and most deliberate word was "No!" I have of course told her "No No" several times as she's started to test her boundaries and she's certainly picked it up. I admit it's the cutest thing to me. She seems so proud to have that kind of power. To just be able to say no to anything. Since the first time she understood what a hug was I've constantly asked her for hugs and kisses. She used to do this happily and willingly. Now, she usually squints her eyes and simply says "No" her Holly nasally voice. Like all things this behavior is cute I still know I'm the boss ....but later it might not be so darling. Daniel has reminded me that I pretty much praise and encourage this because it's just so darn cute to me. Little people....thinking they're big people and asserting themselves as such. Love it!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Thoughtless things people say
"Wow, I just saw you...what..a week ago?....I can't believe how big you've gotten in a week!"
" you didn't have your baby yet?"......out comes baby in the carseat from the car. "Ohh uhhh I wasn't even looking at your stomach....I just..."
"When I was pregnant with twins...I pretty much lost my mind....and then once I had them I would have given anything just to be pregnant again...that was better than having newborn twins.".....said to someone who is newly pregnant with twins.
"So you're only 6 months along?....I thought you were due like tomorrow. You're just so big!"
Even when you're pregnant you don't want to hear that you're as big as a dumptruck....contrary to popular belief. Maybe they think all tact goes out the window when it comes to pregnancy. That reminds me of how people will touch your stomach which is always unwanted....or they'll stare...and I mean you're a freak of nature. Anyway, I thought I had more ideas but that's all that comes to mind at the moment. Anyone have any thoughtless comments to share....either that they've said or been the recipient of?
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Spring fun
I love this picture of Holly...despite the fact that you can't see her eyes. She's such a jolly girl...I love it!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Don't judge a book by its cover
Andrew's "Graduation"
Next, I just wanted to share a video of Holly. A favorite hobby of hers is running around with things on her head...buckets, lampshades, hats that cover her eyes so she runs into things. We think it's pretty cute.
Finally, can anyone tell me why my pictures/videos are such low quality. I admit I don't have the best camera, but it's supposedly 10.3 mp and it's a kodak. How can I improve the crispness of my pictures and videos?